
Showing posts from February, 2020

Juniper Publishers: Hematological Manifestations of Infectious Disease...

Juniper Publishers: Hematological Manifestations of Infectious Disease... : Journal of Nursing & Health Care - Juniper Publishers Abstract Infectious processes have a potential to complicate the clinical...

Traumatic Subdural Hematoma and Intraparenchymal Contusion after a Firework Blast Injury-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Introduction Firework displays are a frequently encountered and integral part of summertime holiday celebrations in the United States, although they do carry significant risk, especially in the pediatric population. Firework-related injuries comprise a small, yet significant, source of pediatric injury [1]. Since 1990, more than 5000 children were treated for consumer firework-related injuries in emergency rooms across the United States on an annual basis [2]. In 2014 alone, 10,500 firework-related injuries required hospital treatment [3]. While orthopedic and burn injuries to the hands compose the majority of these injuries, 22.0% of firework-related injuries involve the head or neck [2]. Furthermore, a significant percentage of these injuries are suffered by bystanders [3]. A small fraction of these injuries require hospitalization, and even fewer require operative intervention [4,5]. Pedia

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N... : Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health - Juniper Publishers Abstract Objectives:  Are to compare the soft palate length (SPL), widt...

Neck Radiotherapy Increases the Risk of Syncope During Awake Airway Management: A Report of Two Cases-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Abstract Radiotherapy for head and neck cancer may causes baroreflex dysfunction and can lead to syncope. Syncope is usually a benign clinical condition and self-limit. However, in patients with difficult airway their spontaneous recovery can be interrupted by the significant hypoxia caused by airway obstruction. This might lead to situation of cannot intubate and cannot oxygenate requiring emergency surgical airway. Here we report two cases in which previous radiotherapy treated patients developed syncope during preparation for awake intubation resulting in emergency surgical access. Keywords: Airway Syncope Neck radiotherapy Awake airway management Abbrevations: TLOC: Transient Loss of Consciousness; NRT: Radiotherapy to The Neck; BP: Blood Pressure; HR: Heart Rate; CICO: Cannot Intubate, Cannot Oxygenate; OR: Operating Room; BPM: Beats Per Minute; ETT: Endotracheal Tube; SCC: Squamous

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N...

Juniper Publishers: Soft Palate Dimensions and Nasopharyngeal Depth (N... : Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health - Juniper Publishers Abstract Objectives:  Are to compare the soft palate length (SPL), widt...

Non-Traumatic, Spontaneous Extra-Dural Haemorrhage: A Rare Neurosurgical Emergency of Beta-Thalassemia Major-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Abstract Intracranial Extradural Hematoma (EDH), a collection of blood between the skull and the dura, is a common sequelae of head trauma. Spontaneous EDH without underlying medical causes has been reported in intraspinal lesions but rarely in intracranial conditions. Spontaneous EDH with haematological disorders is rarer still. Previous literatures have reported on cases of spontaneous EDH because of sinus, middle ear, orbital infections, disorders of blood coagulation. We report a case of a spontaneous EDH on a background of Beta Thalassemia Major which has yet to be reported. Keywords: Neurosurgery; Hematoma Abbrevations: EDH: Intracranial Extradural Hematoma; GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale; CT: Computed Topography; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Introduction Intracranial Extradural Hematoma (EDH), a collection of blood between the calvaria and the dura, is a common sequelae of head tr

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ...

Juniper Publishers: The Effect of Low-Level Electrical Stimulation of ... : Journal of Cardiology & Cardiovascular Therapy - Juniper Publishers Opinion Congenital heart failure (HF) is one of the most po...

Postsurgical Complications after Spine Surgery-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Abstract We present a case of a 22-month-old infant who undergoes a surgical procedure consisting of performing cervical arthrodesis after placement of a halo of cervical traction and thoracic harness. The patient presented an alteration in the formation and segmentation of the cervico-dorsal vertebral bodies, alteration of the vertebral canal and angulation of the medullary cord. In the postoperative period, the main complications are intense pain that requires intensification of sedo analgesia, sepsis, diaphragmatic paralysis secondary to surgery, and respiratory and hepatic failure due to chest compression of the harness. Keywords: Vertebral malformation Pain Cervical halo Thoracic harness Respiratory failure Liver failure Abbrevations: ICU: Intensive Care Unit; CT: Computed Tomography Introduction The malformations of the spine are a group of polymorphic anomalies, from small asym

Juniper Publishers: Classification System of Drugs Risk during Pregnan...

Juniper Publishers: Classification System of Drugs Risk during Pregnan... : Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health-Juniper Publishers Abstract The exposure to medicines during pregnancy have a potential ri...

Herniotomy Alone as Treatment for Scrotal Migration of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Abstract Complication rate of ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt is from 11%-25%; differs from centre to centre. One of the rare complications of ventriculoperitoneal shunt is distal catheter migration into various abdominal contents including the scrotum. A few cases of scrotal migration of distal catheter have been reported in paediatric patients with different managements. Here we report a case of a 3-year-old child who presented with a right sided hydrocele with the distal end of the shunt in the left hemiscrotum 3 years following a VP shunt placement for congenital hydrocephalus. Herniotomy alone was our management in this case. Keywords: Ventriculoperitoneal shunt Scrotal migration Herniotomy Introduction Ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts are the most commonly performed operative procedures to treat hydrocephalus in children [1]. Shunt migration is one of the rare complications of VP s

Juniper Publishers: Recent Development of Laser Photo-Chemotherapy (LP...

Juniper Publishers: Recent Development of Laser Photo-Chemotherapy (LP... : Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology - Juniper Publishers Introduction Photodynamic therapies (PDT) have become increasingly popu...

Revisit to Dissection in Ent and its Impact on Students-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Introduction Cadaveric dissection of Temporal bone and nose & para nasal sinuses held during the otorhinolaryngology and head & neck surgery postings had a good impact on the student’s understanding and orientation to the subject. Despite the advent of modern technology and evolving teaching methods cadaveric dissection continues to remain a corner stone of anatomy curriculum [1]. The students were not exposed to the microscope guided dissection of temporal bone, Para nasal sinuses and the surrounding structures during their course in Anatomy. Learning about ear and paranasal sinuses back then was more through two dimensional pictures from the books and various atlases. But during our clinical postings we were given the chance to watch microscopic guided cadaveric dissection of temporal bone which was performed by our head of the unit. We got the opportunity of learning the shape a

Juniper Publishers: Recent Development of Laser Photo-Chemotherapy (LP...

Juniper Publishers: Recent Development of Laser Photo-Chemotherapy (LP... : Journal of Orthopedics and Rheumatology - Juniper Publishers Introduction Photodynamic therapies (PDT) have become increasingly popu...

A Rare Origin of Supraclavicular Mass in a Ten-Month-Old Child: Case Report of Lipoblastoma-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Introduction Lipoblastoma is a rare benign tumor arising from embryonic white fat which occurs in the early childhood and accounts for up to 30% of adipocytic tumors in children while true lipomas account for 60% of all cases [1]. It usually arises on the extremities and considered as a rare cause of a pediatric head and neck masses. To notice that less than 100 cases of lipoblastomas- all locations- have been reported in literature till now, whereas, head and neck involvement has been reported in only very few cases [2]. In the Hospital University Ibn Rochd, we admitted a ten month child with lipoblastoma arising from the supraclavicular area. A significant risk of invading the subclavian vessels, the brachial plexus and the thoracic duct in contact was near. Case Report A 10-month-old girl, with no relevant medical or surgical history, brought by her parents to the outpatient ENT depar