Juniper publishers - Journal of Head Neck Research Researchers from Johns Hopkins Hospital have published information which reports: a. 40%-80% of chronic pain patients are misdiagnosed [1-5] Most are told they have sprains and strains when they actually have surgically correctable lesions [1,2,5]. For CRPS (RSD) 71%-80% of patients really have nerve entrapment, which responded to peripheral nerve decompression [3,4]. b. Doctors order the wrong tests and don’t spend enough time taking a careful history. A Wall Street Journal article quotes medical research which says the two leading causes of misdiagnosis are i. Ordering the wrong diagnostic test (57%) and ii. Poor history taking (56%) [6]. c. MRIs miss damaged discs 76%-78% of the time, and CTs miss bony lesions detected by 3D-CT 56% of the time [7,8]. d. Once a thorough history is taken, and the proper tests are ordered, 50%-63% of patients, previously told there is nothing to be done to help them, requir...