
Showing posts from July, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics...

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics... : JOJ Urology & Nephrology     Juniper Publishers Abstract Background:  Analysis of prostatic growth has focused on the whole glan...

How to Prevent the Development of Purulent Complications of Acute Pneumonia-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Introduction Treatment of acute pneumonia (АР) in recent decades focused solely on antibiotic therapy, does not include pathogenetic, specific methods of assistance and repeats the principles of treatment of other inflammatory diseases. Moreover, according to existing therapeutic and preventive recommendations, it is possible to assume that the АP is a specific form of inflammation. Existing approaches to the treatment of АP are in stark contrast with the following well known facts. АP is not contagious specific disease. Approval, the priority role of specific pathogens in the etiology of AP have no absolute evidence, for the vast majority of these patients were cured and cure without clarifying the etiology of the disease. Cause a significant increase in septic complications AP, contrary to expectations, on the background of total pneumococcal vaccination remains without a reasoned explana

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics...

Juniper Publishers: Prostate Volume, Size Does Matter. Growth Dynamics... : JOJ Urology & Nephrology     Juniper Publishers Abstract Background:  Analysis of prostatic growth has focused on the whole glan...

Long-Term Results of Mandibular Reconstruction with Autogenous Bone Grafts and Oral Implants-Juniper publishers

JUNIPER PUBLISHERS-OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF HEAD NECK & SPINE SURGERY Abstract The reconstruction of mandibular defects after tumor resection is a challenging problems faced by Head and neck oncosurgeons. The mandible bone is known to play an important role in upper and lower airway protection and supporting of the musculature of tongue and dentition, as well as the muscles of floor of mouth, thus permitting the various physiologic acts of mastication, articulation, deglutition, and respiration. It is also known to provide for the contour of the lower face. Any interruption of mandible therefore produces both cosmetic and functional deformity. Resection of the mandible results in its deviation toward the resected side due to the unopposed pull of remaining muscles of mastication and scar formation. There is also limitations in movements of the jaw. We present a case of squamous cell carcinoma of left RMT & gingivo-buccal sulcus with mandibular bone invasion

Juniper Publishers: A Radiological Gamut in the Diagnosis and Treatmen...

Juniper Publishers: A Radiological Gamut in the Diagnosis and Treatmen... : Open Access Ophthalmology Journal     Juniper Publishers Abstract Aims & Objectives:  The main objectives of this work are, on...

Valuable Information for Orthopedic and Neurosurgeons-Juniper publishers

Juniper publishers - Journal of Head Neck Research Researchers from Johns Hopkins Hospital have published information which reports: a. 40%-80% of chronic pain patients are misdiagnosed [1-5] Most are told they have sprains and strains when they actually have surgically correctable lesions [1,2,5]. For CRPS (RSD) 71%-80% of patients really have nerve entrapment, which responded to peripheral nerve decompression [3,4]. b. Doctors order the wrong tests and don’t spend enough time taking a careful history. A Wall Street Journal article quotes medical research which says the two leading causes of misdiagnosis are i. Ordering the wrong diagnostic test (57%) and ii. Poor history taking (56%) [6]. c. MRIs miss damaged discs 76%-78% of the time, and CTs miss bony lesions detected by 3D-CT 56% of the time [7,8]. d. Once a thorough history is taken, and the proper tests are ordered, 50%-63% of patients, previously told there is nothing to be done to help them, requir

Juniper Publishers: Quality by Design in Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions

Juniper Publishers: Quality by Design in Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions : PeerReviewed Chemistry Journals Juniper Publishers Abstract Quality by Design is the new-age path chosen towards achieving the dem...

Neck Surgery versus Neck Immunology-Juniper publishers

Juniper publishers - Journal of Head Neck Opinion Smart Surgeon [1] should be smart anatomist and smart physiologist. This theme seems to be deficient unless immunologist similarly should have good knowledge in anatomy and physiology. The link between surgeon and immunologist is through the anatomy and physiology. Hence the trigon of head neck and spine surgery appeared to be linked to immunology through anatomy and physiology. Among this trigon neck perceive my personal attention, since it got several biologic bearings like terato-biology, structural and functional immunology (Table 1-3) [2-5]. So far the structural immunologic aspects is concerned it served as a niche for tonsils, cervical lymph node and passage way for cervical lymphatics .While for functional immunology it served as stage for natural immune drain for microbial invadors coming from mouth, oropharynx and dental infections as well as tonsils. The draining lymph nodes also drain aberrant overgrowin

Juniper Publishers: Isolation and Identification of Salmonella from Ap...

Juniper Publishers: Isolation and Identification of Salmonella from Ap... : Journal of Biomedical Engineering Juniper Publishers Abstract Salmonellosis is one of the most important Zoonotic diseases with gl...

Early Intervention of Cleft Lip and Palate: Current Issues Practices and Protocol-Juniper publishers

Juniper publishers - Journal of Head Neck Introduction The most important step towards the treatment of a child with any disorder is early identification. Early identification helps in early intervention of a disorder Early identification Is a system of coordinated services Promotes the child’s growth and development Supports families during the critical early years Designed to enhance the development of at-risk infants and toddlers (birth to 3 years of age) Prevents speech and language delay Provides an access to cheap and best treatment Helps the child attend school like any other child. Major benefits of early intervention Early learning forms the basis for complex levels of performance. Maximize a child’s developmental capabilities. Provides support, instruction and information for caregivers. Help parents deal constructively with the grief and stress of having a child with disabilities. Parents can find support and assistance to help their child beco

Juniper Publishers: Isolation and Identification of Salmonella from Ap...

Juniper Publishers: Isolation and Identification of Salmonella from Ap... : Journal of Biomedical Engineering Juniper Publishers Abstract Salmonellosis is one of the most important Zoonotic diseases with gl...

Dysphagia: Approach to Assessment and Treatment-Juniper publishers

Juniper publishers - Journal of Head Neck Introduction Dysphagia is a medical term used to describe a swallowing disorder. It may refer to a swallowing disorder involving any one of the 3 stages of swallowing: oral, pharyngeal, esophageal. It is not a primary medical diagnosis, but a symptom of a disease, & therefore is described most often by its clinical characteristics. Dysphagia is delay in or misdirection of a fluid or solid bolus as it moves from mouth to the stomach. Delay in or misdirection of the food bolus may interfere with functional oral intake. The nature of dysphagia Aspiration occurs whenever food enters the airway below the true vocal folds. Aspiration can occur before, during, or after the swallow. Aspiration before the swallow Aspiration occurs before the swallow in the case of a delayed or absent swallow initiation. It may also be the result of poor tongue control, which allows food to trickle into the pharynx while the patient is sti